What do you think of the question itself? What do you think of the possible answers? Is there something that immediately springs to your mind in answer but that's not listed in the possible answer list?
I feel like my gift to the church has been ____________________________________.
Please fill in the blank with whatever comes to mind (whether it's in the following list or not). Feel free to use the following list if that helps.
a. compassion | b. hospitality | c. faithfulness |
d. humor | e. kindness | f. thoughtfulness |
g. prayer | h. evangelism | i. teaching |
j. listening | k. forbearance | l. financial gifts |
m. music | n. singing | o. experience |
p. leadership | q. knowledge | r. hope |
s. practical help with the facilities | t. gentleness | |
u. practical help to people in the congregation | ||
u. a welcoming attitude to newcomers | v. wisdom |