Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I know you mean well...

I'm reading through an old notebook that I kept in 1996.  I just hit some scribbles that I thought I'd share.  Have you ever felt this way?

the love you're giving to me
is the wrong blood type.
i know you mean well,
but it's killing me.


  1. You wrote that!?!! It's so poetic, I love it!

  2. It's rather goth. You didn't do the black nail polish did you?

  3. :-P can you imagine me wearing black nail polish? scratch that. can you imagine me wearing nail polish at all? ever? when it comes to fashion sense there's hot mama shelly on one end of the spectrum and me at the other.

  4. that. Short, sweet and very profound.

    PS: Love your blog page and name.
