More from John Alexander:
"...What the world needs more than anything else is reconciliation. At the heart of all our problems is broken relationships; symptomatic of those broken relationships are racism, war, child abuse, ecological degradation, drug addition, oppression of the weak, divorce, abandonment of the elderly, indifference to the poor, and on, and on, and on. What the world needs is a sign that reconciled relationships are possible. It needs the church to be a beacon of light for the world, a counterculture, a contrast society.
"And that is what it is all about. The church is a sign that reconciliation is possible. Jesus prays 'that they may be one even as we are one.' That is not some abstract reconciliation but concrete reconciliation: blacks, whites, and browns, men and women, ignorant and educated working together in peace. It means people working closely together in the church without ruling patterns of hatred or coldness or grudges or cliques. It means a contrast society."