Thursday, February 24, 2011

Would Jesus Push the Button?

There's an interesting article in yesterday's New York Times about a midshipman who grew into pacifism during his matriculation at the US Naval Academy. When he was confronted with a test that asked, "If given the order, would he launch a missile carrying a nuclear warhead?" he decided that his answer was no. (WWJD) He was eventually discharged with a conscientious objector status.

There was one bit of the article that popped out at me as being freakishly backwards (but consistent with the military, of course).

"I realized that I could not be responsible for killing anyone," he later explained. His answer flagged him for psychological testing....

I just found that funny. I don't really have any particular point on that one.

And later in the article this question was posed.

If Jesus was a pacifist, why didn't he tell all Roman soldiers to leave the army?

I thought that was an excellent question. What do you think? Why didn't Jesus tell soldiers to set aside their weapons? Or did he?

1 comment:

  1. John the Baptist had to confront a bunch of Jewish Legionnaires one fine day...
    And he also didn't tell them to quit.
    He did say, "Do Violence to no-one", but I don't think that means that they were never supposed to kill people who opposed them on the field of combat.

    And as for Pushing The Button...
    There is coming a day when Jesus WILL do exactly that.

    " If my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight...
    And one day .. they will be. :)
