Wednesday, January 27, 2010

RT @FakeSpurgeon "This thimble of grape juice represents my blood..." #whatjesusneversaid --


  1. translation for those that don't tweet:

    RT = retweet. it means that someone else said this first and i'm just passing it along
    @FakeSpurgeon = originally posted by a twitter user named FakeSpurgeon
    #whatjesusneversaid = this is a tag that can be used to view all the tweets that are posted that include this same tag

    and i included the link so you can see the tweet in its original format. ;-)

  2. I'd say a tag like this can be used quite a lot... (I've got a book somewhere called "Jesus Never Said"... it was supposed to be a kind of eye-opener but as far as I remember I didn't find that many surprises there...)

  3. "God helps those that help themselves." #whatjesusneversaid

    think that one was Ben Franklin. it was supposed to be a kind of eye-opener but as far as I remember I didn't find that many surprises therewell, if you've read the bible then you'd realize all that stuff wasn't in there. i think what's telling in that case is the number of people who assume they know what's in the bible but have never read it. kinda sad, really.

  4. yes, it is sad... the stuff that people just assume is in there - even infuriating sometimes, when you feel that people are attributing to God stuff that he just wouldn't dream of saying, you feel like shouting: if you knew him, you'd know he's just not that sort of guy...

    something that I'm pretty sure was in that book I read was "my country right or wrong". something that if it wasn't in there should be in there is "couples who pray together stay together". and if I had to pick one off the top of my head it would be "thou shalt have a regular one-hour Quiet Time every morning"... (believe it or not, I actually met someone who was adamant there was a one-hour minimum of daily prayer time stipulated in the Bible.)

  5. haha... just went and dragged that book off the shelf and the first joke is on me, as I didn't even remember the name of the book right :)

    it's called "He Never Said..." (by Steve Chalke)

    and yes, he does list "my country, right or wrong" and also "the family that prays together stays together", as well as things like "and now for a time of worship"... or, slightly more controversially perhaps: "accept me into your heart as your personal Lord and Saviour".

  6. oh, you have? keeping that to read later, yummy :)

  7. Interesting. I'm not going to pretend I can quote the bible, but have studied it, and really enjoy the history of it. Sometimes, I encounter people who like to judge how "Christian" somebody is by quoting scripture. My philosophy on that is quoting scripture doesn't make you a good Christians, its all about your actions as a person. "Show me don't tell me" - Jesus never said that, but Rush sang it. ;)

  8. Francis of Assisi said something like that. "Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words."
